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African Turquoise

African Turquoise

African Turquoise is its own unique stone. Usually blue green speckled form of jasper that is mined in Africa.  It also has other inclusions, such as copper and iron, that contribute to its beautiful mottled color palette.  African turquoise possess a rich smooth luster.

It offers quite different qualities and energies. Considered the stone of evolution, African Turquoise brings about great change and transformation within life. Its encouraging energy opens minds to the possibility of newness.



Amethyst is the best known and most valuable form of quartz.  Its name is derived from the Greek amethustos (not drunken); ancient belief held that anyone wearing an amethyst could not become intoxicated.  Amethyst is found in numerous areas of the world, including Canada, Brazil, and United States.
Some believe it protects from any over-indulgence.  It is suppose to help you get in touch with your intuition.  It also bestows stability, strength, invigoration and peace.



Apatite is a group of phosphate containing minerals. The name comes from the Greek word apate, which means, "to deceive." Apatite was often confused, therefore "deceiving" many, with some of the more valuable gems such as tourmaline, olivine, peridot, topaz and beryl.

Apatite is believed to decrease appetite (hunger) as well as enhance insight, creativity and learning. It is said that wearing apatite will enhance focus, clarity for concentration, intellect, acceptance, and unconditional love. This acceptance and unconditional love relates to the self as well as from others.

Deposits are found in Burma (Myanmar), Brazil, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Mexico, Norway, Sri Lanka, East and South Africa, Spain, Russia (Kola Peninsula), Canada, and the United States.



Beryl is beryllinim aluminum silicate.  It is found in an array of colors including blues, greens, creams and pink. The pink flavor of beryl is called morganite, the blue is aquamarine, the green is emerald, the yellow is golden beryl and the reddish is bixbite.

They are mined in Afghanistan, Brazil, China, Italy, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, United States and Zimbabwe.

Beryl is said to bring creativity, reduce tiredness, and increase intelligence.  It has been used as a talisman stone for artists of all kinds and especially sculptors.



Black Onyx

Black Onyx

Onyx is a type of agate and agates are a type of chalcedony that comes in various colors.  Black onyx is one of the most popular stones.  This durable stone is an excellent choice for many types of jewelry.

Onyx is reputed to improve concentration and devotion.  It is believed to help hearing problems and ulcers.  It is considered a grounding stone that stimulate self-control.  

It is mined in Brazil, Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany, Madagascar, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Uruguay.                                                   


Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate is a variety of banded Chalcedony, a mineral of the Quartz family. It is usually banded in layers of predominantly light blue, striped with brighter blues, whites, and even brown threads of color.

Blue Lace Agate is a great nurturing and supportive stone, neutralising anger, infection, inflammation and fever. It is said to help to strengthen and accelerate the repair of bones, thyroid deficiencies, throat and lymph infections.

Blue lace agate was discovered in Namibia, originally South West Africa. Small amounts have also been found in Brazil, China, India and various places in the United States. Agates in general are found alongside multiple other rocks and minerals, including amethyst.





Fancy Jasper

Fancy Jasper

Fancy jasper is a variety of jasper that varies in color from greens to mauves.  As other jaspers it it an opaque form of chalcedony quartz.

Fancy jasper is a stone of gentleness and relaxation. It is professed to enhance one's ability to relax and bring tranquility, comforting, wholeness, healing, and gentle endings.

Jasper gemstones can be found in many locations around the world. Some of the most notable deposits are sourced from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, Mexico, Russia, Uruguay, Venezuela and the United States of America, including Arizona, Arkansas, California, Idaho, Oregon, Texas and Washington.

Fresh Water Pearl

Fresh Water Pearl

Fresh Water Pearl

Pearls are highly valued gemstones.  Pearls are formed by mollusks when a foreign particle penetrates the mantle, the cells attach to the particle and build up more or less concentric layers of pearl around it.

The color of pearls varies with the mollusk, and its environment. It ranges from black to white.  Other colors are cream, gray, blue, yellow, lavender, green, and mauve.  All occur in delicate shades.  Cultured pearls are produced in virtually every color of the rainbow.

Pearl is said to help one see oneself and help improve self-worth as an emblem of modesty, chastity, and purity.  The pearl symbolizes love, success, and happiness.

Freshwater mussels in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere have produced pearls of great value, as an example those from the Mississippi River.  Pearling is a carefully fostered industry in central Europe, and the forest streams of Bavaria, in particular, are the source of choice pearls.  Freshwater pearling in China has been known from before 1000 BC..

Gray Crazy Lace Agate

Gray Crazy Lace Agate

Crazy Lace Agate

Agate, a form of chalcedony, is an excellent gem material because of its attractive colors, hardness, and ability to take a brilliant polish.  Agate is named after the Achates River in Sicily, now know as the Drillo River, which remains a major source of this gemstone.  Agate was valued by ancient civilizations; the Egyptians used it before 3000 B.C., and it was discovered with the Stone Age man in France (20,000-16,000 B.C.).

Crazy lace agate has variegated patterns in multiple colors.  No gemstone is more creatively striped by nature than agates.

In ancient times, agate was highly valued as a talisman or amulet.  It was said to quench thirst and protect from fever.  It is said that agate cures insomnia, protects against danger, promotes strength and healing, and ensures a healthy life.

Green Moonstone

Green Moonstone

Green Moonstone occurs as a rounded green crystal and can be found with shades and strokes of blue, pink, peach, white, or gray. This stone is found in reserves in the United States of America, India, Sri Lanka, Australia, Burma, and Madagascar.

A Crown Chakra crystal, Moonstone has long been the stone of love, intuition, magic, and protection. Green Moonstone has all the properties of Moonstone with an emphasis on emotions.  Moonstone calms and encourages, teaching us the natural rhythms of life. It is said to open the heart to empathy and assists in the acceptance of love.

Holiday Earrings and Necklaces

Holiday Earrings and Necklaces



Howlite is named after mineralogist Henry How, who first discovered the gemstone in Nova Scotia during the 19th century.

North America is the primary source of howlite,  California and Nova Scotia being the primary locations it is mined.  This calcium silicaborate is naturally white, often with dark gray or black spider web matrix.

Howlite is known as the stone of memory, knowledge and progress.  It is purported to encourage reasoning, observation, discernment, patience, and tact.



Kyanite is typically a blue silicate mineral, commonly found in aluminum-rich sedimentary rock.  It sometimes displays cat's eye chatoyancy.  Kyanite looks best in daylight and exhibits a vitreous to near-pearly luster when cut and polished.

Kyanite is valuable in the industrial world for heat resistance and is used in a wide variety of products.

Kyanite deposits can be found in many locations around the world. Some of the most important sources include Austria, Burma, Brazil, Cambodia, India, Kenya, Myanmar, Nepal, Russia, Serbia, Switzerland, Tanzania, the United States (Connecticut, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia) and Zimbabwe. 

Kyanite is said to promote good communication.  It is believed to aid with self-expression



Larimar is a rare blue variety of the silicate mineral pectolite found only in the Dominican Republic, in the Caribbean. Its coloration varies from white, light-blue, green-blue to deep blue.

It is said to enlighten and heal in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual way. Larimar facilitates inner wisdom and represents peace and clarity, radiating healing and love.

Larimar comes from a remote mountain in the Caribbean Islands, from a single square kilometer in the Dominican Republic. Nature ensures that no stone is alike,

Mother of Pearl

Mother of Pearl

Treasured for their lovely colors and iridescent luster, shells have been used in jewelry for many centuries.  Mother of pearl is the iridescent coating on the inside of mollusk shells.  This substance is the creator, or mother, of pearls, thus the name mother of pearl.   The undulating grain of mother of pearl is the result of seasonal fluctuations in the mollusk's diet.

In China, mother of pearl has been prescribed for thousands of years to treat heart palpitations, dizziness and high blood pressure. In Vietnam, it has been powdered and taken orally to improve vision and remove cataracts. Mystics believe it to stimulate intuition, sensitivity, imagination and adaptability, and help with clarity in decision-making. Mother of pearl symbolizes faith, charity and innocence, and traditionally has been used to strengthen the environment and bring greater purity to the atmosphere.

Among the chief sources of this gemstone are the pearl oyster, found in warm and tropical seas, chiefly in Asia; the freshwater pearl mussel, which lives in many rivers of the United States and Europe; and the abalone of California, Japan and other Pacific regions.




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Orange Sodalite

Orange Sodalite

Sodalite is found all over the world, but this orange-infused variety comes from Brazil. It is named after its sodium content. It was discovered in Greenland about 200 years ago but didn’t become popular until Princess Patricia, on a trip to Ontario, chose it for the interior decoration of Marlborough House in England. Since then, its color has been called Princess Blue.

Sodalite has many helpful properties for its wearer. It encourages idealism and is good for meditation. It unites logic and intuition, as well as encouraging cooperation among group members.

Sodalite is also said to aid the mind by eliminating mental confusion and encouraging rational thought. It brings about emotional balance and calms panic. It enhances self-esteem and self-acceptance.

Physically, sodalite balances metabolism and boosts the immune system. It helps with insomnia, fever, blood pressure and throat ailments.

Peach Calcedony

Peach Calcedony


Peach Chalcedony is a form of Silica and is composed of very fine intergrowths of Quartz and Morganite.  It has a waxy luster and is semi-transparent to translucent.  Chalcedony occurs in the USA, Russia, Namibia, India, New Zealand, Morocco, Mexico, Brazil, and Turkey.

Chalcedony occurs in different colors, including white, pink, peach, gray-blue, and red. It is a common gemstone and can be found throughout the world.

Notable Associated with the heart chakra, peach chalcedony is thought to influence emotional stability and instill a sense of calm. Shake off negativity, wearing this gemstone, and restore balance.


Pink Fresh Water Pearl

Pink Fresh Water Pearl

      Pearls are highly valued gemstones.  Pearls are formed by mollusks when a foreign particle penetrates the mantle, the cells attach to the particle and build up more or less concentric layers of pearl around it.

     The color of pearls varies with the mollusk, and its environment. It ranges from black to white.  Other colors are cream, gray, blue, yellow, lavender, green, and mauve.  All occur in delicate shades.  Cultured pearls are produced in virtually every color of the rainbow.

      Pearl is said to help one see oneself and help improve self-worth as an emblem of modesty, chastity, and purity.  The pearl symbolizes love, success, and happiness.

     Freshwater mussels in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere have produced pearls of great value, as an example those from the Mississippi River.  Pearling is a carefully fostered industry in central Europe, and the forest streams of Bavaria, in particular, are the source of choice pearls.  Freshwater pearling in China has been known from before 1000 BC..

Pink Opal

Pink Opal

Pink Opal is a variety of Common Opals that are more opaque and do not carry that “opal fire”. It is a lovely stone to keep with you as it helps to bring the joy back into your life,  It can keep you calm and centered.  Pink Opal is high in silica and this opal is almost a light to bright pink chalcedony. Pink opal is mined in Australia and Peru

Pink Opal is the national stone of Peru and it is found in the Andes mountains. Its internal crystalline composition is random, meaning this gemstone lacks the color play opals. 

You can use Pink Opal when you need to get rid of old patterns that are no longer working for you, as well as giving you insight into ways that will help to enhance your emotional, spiritual and intellectual self.

Queen Conch Shell

Queen Conch Shell

The Queen Conch is one of the largest mollusks native to the tropical  northwestern Atlantic.    The shells were used by Native Americans and Caribbean Indians in a wide variety of ways, including tools (knives, axe handles, and chisels), jewelry, cookware and used as blowing horns.



Rhodochrosite is one of the prettiest and most desirable of all minerals.  Typically its color varies from a rose-red color to shades of pink to pale browns.  It  usually has streaks white.  Rhodochrosite belongs to the calcite group of minerals.  It is mined in United State (Colorado), Argentine, Mexico, Africa, Spain and Romania.

Rhodochrosite is said to sooth the heart. Stimulate, warm feelings, of love and compassion, benefits the creative process, and promotes intuition. 

The Incas believed that rhodochrosite is the blood of their former rulers, turned to stone, therefore it is sometimes called "Rosa del Inca" or "Inca Rose".

Ruby Kyanite

Ruby Kyanite

Ruby in Kyanite is a unique combination mineral that was recently found in southern IndiaKyanite is typically a blue silicate mineral, commonly found in aluminum-rich sedimentary rock.  Ruby Kyanite combines the beautiful blue colors of the Kyanite and red to purple colors of Ruby.

Ruby in Kyanite is a very complex stone.  Ruby in Kyanite combines the communicative power of Blue Kyanite and the heart-opening energy of Ruby  Ruby is a powerful heart stone, opening and activating the heart chakra.  

Sodalite and Red Tiger Eye

Sodalite and Red Tiger Eye

Sodalite is an igneous mineral formed from a molten mass deep below the earth’s surface.  This rich blue gemstone has a similar chemical composition to lapis.  Sodalite contains calcite, the white inclusions, whereas lapis contains pyrite.  Most sodalite comes from Brazil today.

Sodalite is supposed to improve courage and endurance.  It was utilized by Egyptian priests to dispel guilt and fears.  It is reputed to help find inner peace.

Red Tiger’s eye is a variey of Tiger’s Eye with a deep red brown coloration.  It is a variety of quartz with very fine similarly oriented fibrous inclusions.  When this gemstone is cut it produces a chatoyant effect (changeable luster). 

Tiger's eye is mined in Western Australia, South Africa, USA, Canada, India, Namibia, and Burma.

Many legends about quartz say that wearing tiger's eye( which is a form of quartz) is beneficial for health and spiritual well being. It is good for clear thinking and facing problems objectively and it is said to attract good luck.



Tourmaline is a crystaline boron silicate mineral compounded with various elements Tourmaline gets its name from the Singhalese phrase “tura mali,” which means, “stone mixed with vibrant colors.” It’s believed that no two tourmaline stones have the exact same color.

Historically revered as a “magic” stone that is capable of protecting whoever wore it. It has the uncommon and very special ability to generate an electric charge and emit negative ions and far infrared rays.  These boost the immune system and promote detoxification.  Tourmalines are reputedl to have strong healing energies and also encourage a calm centered state of mind.

Tourmaline comes from the United States, Africa, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and Brazil. 



Turquoise is a soft, opaque gemstone that takes a good polish and is admired for its beautiful sky blue color.  The blue color is due to the presence of copper, and the green tones come from iron.  Turquoise sometimes has a rock matrix and varying shades of gray, brown, or black veining due to inclusions or oxide stains.    

Turquoise is one of the first gems ever used for jewelry.  Turquoise jewelry was found with a 7500 year-old Egyptian mummy.  Turquoise bead from the Mesopotamia (Iraq) date back to 5000 B.C. Turquoise mining in the Americas started about 1000 years ago; this treasured gem has been discovered in burial sites from Argentina to the southwestern United States.

This stone is said to shield the wearer from harmful influences, and help attract friendships.  Some cultures use turquoise in meditation.